
  【死在火星上】小说免费阅读,请收藏 全本免费小说【qbmfxs.com】

  The present terrestrial planetary system is still being disturbed by the massive jovian planets. However, the wide separation and mutual interaction among the terrestrial planets renders the disturbance ineffective; the degree of disturbance by jovian planets is O(eJ)(order of magnitude of the eccentricity of Jupiter), since the disturbance caused by jovian planets is a forced oscillation having an amplitude of O(eJ). Heightening of eccentricity, for example O(eJ)∼, is far from sufficient to provoke instability in the terrestrial planets having such a wide separation as 26RH. Thus we assume that the present wide dynamical separation among terrestrial planets (> 26RH) is probably one of the most significant conditions for maintaining the stability of the planetary system over a 109-yr time-span. Our detailed analysis of the relationship between dynamical distance between planets and the instability time-scale of Solar system planetary motion is now on-going.

  Although our numerical integrations span the lifetime of the Solar system, the number of integrations is far from sufficient to fill the initial phase space. It is necessary to perform more and more numerical integrations to confirm and examine in detail the long-term stability of our planetary dynamics.


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