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  On the other hand, in his accurate semi-analytical secular perturbation theory (Laskar 1988), Laskar finds that large and irregular variations can appear in the eccentricities and inclinations of the terrestrial planets, especially of Mercury and Mars on a time-scale of several 109 yr (Laskar 1996). The results of Laskar's secular perturbation theory should be confirmed and investigated by fully numerical integrations.

  In this paper we present preliminary results of six long-term numerical integrations on all nine planetary orbits, covering a span of several 109 yr, and of two other integrations covering a span of ± 5 × 1010 yr. The total elapsed time for all integrations is more than 5 yr, using several dedicated PCs and workstations. One of the fundamental conclusions of our long-term integrations is that Solar system planetary motion seems to be stable in terms of the Hill stability mentioned above, at least over a time-span of ± 4 Gyr. Actually, in our numerical integrations the system was far more stable than what is defined by the Hill stability criterion: not only did no close encounter happen during the integration period, but also all the planetary orbital elements have been confined in a narrow region both in time and frequency domain, though planetary motions are stochastic. Since the purpose of this paper is to exhibit and overview the results of our long-term numerical integrations, we show typical example figures as evidence of the very long-term stability of Solar system planetary motion. For readers who have more specific and deeper interests in our numerical results, we have prepared a webpage (access ), where we show raw orbital elements, their low-pass filtered results, variation of Delaunay elements and angular momentum deficit, and results of our simple time–frequency analysis on all of our integrations.



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